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Getting Distracted as an Entrepreneur

Monotony rules and destroys the entrepreneurs. Yes, you heard it right. Once you are trapped in the game of monotony you will start losing interest in your business and soon, you will start rethinking about your future aspirations. The business domain is more about repetitions and sameness. It is all because you are promising to offer particular services or commodities and so you cannot expect variations as you are going to be only assigned to those works in which you can deliver nonpareil results. So is there any other way to stop losing interest? There are plenty of ways but before looking for the solution you need to figure out your problems.

Distraction can be defined in many ways by various individuals. The definition of distraction varies from person to person even in the case of entrepreneurs. For some, a mere pen can act as a distraction while for some not even a speeding truck can draw their attention. Some understand what their distractions are while others still stay in a loop. To save your business from losing its position in the thriving market, you need to spot out your distractions. But are you finding it hard to figure out the distractions? If you are an entrepreneur, then these are the 5 signs that will suggest you that you are getting distracted:

When your associates and employees are too much dependant on you:

An entrepreneur appoints employees for helping him out in handling works. Each employee serves a different purpose in an organisation. The work pressure is divided equally or according to the positions, one works for. But is your employees’ dependent on you for taking even the merest decisions?

From waiting for your final approval to wanting you to be a part of the discussion before taking the final decision, if your associates cannot take decisions without your consent then your business is surely going to fall. Appoint some head who can play the role of you for your subordinates and cut all the connection with the employees if it is not necessary. Remember, you have other important works to handle so let others solve the problems which may not concern you so much.

Thinking about future before the present:

It is important to chalk out the future plans of a company but thinking about the future goals without considering the present situation may lead you to trouble. You might think about taking your company to new heights in the upcoming future but will it be of any use if you just keep on planning about the future without sorting the problems of the present? Handle the current mishaps well because a sorted present can only lead you to a successful future. If you are dreaming too much about future then distraction is ruling over you.

No time for self:

Skipping sleep and breakfast to meet the deadlines of your business? Well, it is acceptable for a day or two but if this continues like a daily routine, then you, my friend is in great trouble. Being ambitious to build a successful career is appreciable but does that mean that you are going to miss the family get together or stop hanging out with your best buddies in the process of making a career? If you have no time for enjoying life then you can never produce the best results at your work. Work and fun must be balanced. Once you start dedicating all your time to work then you are surely distracted.

Inefficient strategies :

Still following all the conventional methods to run a business? Then you are surely distracted. Look around, the world has changed and digitalization is playing a major role for all the entrepreneurs. Social media marketing, websites and so many things have taken over the canonical methods. If you still want to promote your products and services by distributing leaflets and brochures then you are certainly wasting your time. The business will not have any fruitful outcome but it will only prove to be a distraction for an entrepreneur. You may be fascinated by the traditional methods of making a business successful but the populace of 21st needs something unique.

Office Rituals:

This is one such distraction that takes place almost every day. Haven’t you continued with some chit-chat with your office mates by keeping aside all your pending works? Don’t you remember those gossips in which you get engaged by circling the coffee-maker? We all do it but this is one of the major distractions for the entrepreneur. Be it the employees or the entrepreneur, these chit-chat sessions kill a lot of time and one may sometime end up failing to meet the deadline. When you spot such a gossiping group, ignore it or give them the reality check before it is too late.

Distractions are surrounding us. But it is upon you to sort the problems. Struggling to concentrate? Then look for the distractions and eradicate them from your personal as well as office life.

Abdul Vasi
Abdul Vasi is a Serial Entrepreneur, Rebellious Marketer and Technology expert. Prior to Embarking into the World of Writing and Authorship, Abdul Vasi has Several years of experience leading his company that now serves many of the most notable companies and individuals. Abdul Vasi is Passionate about helping businesses find new and innovative ways to leverage technology and marketing to facilitate rapid business growth with the help of digital marketing. He frequently shares his proven strategies and cutting-edge tactics with people. He is also a CryptoCurrency Investor, DJ, Author, Fitness Freak and a Good Husband.